Saturday, August 11, 2007

Watch this Movie - Hotel Rwanda

Ok, So I just finished watching Hotel Rwanda. You owe it to yourself to see this film. It's not going to make you feel nice, but then, important films typically do not.

I had NO idea that this was going on. The coverage of the Rwandan genocide was non-existent. I was living in London at the time. Sure I was caught up in my own self absorbed selfish world, but STILL, there was nothing talking about this. Which really makes me wonder about the media "lots of things make me wonder about the media you'll see" What the hell where they doing? What was more interesting than 1 million people being murdered? I'll have to go and research the "truly hot news" of the time. How the hell did the Clinton administration dance around any responsibility on this? "Genocidal acts vs. Genocide"? Lawyers, gotta love 'em.

So, this brings us around to "modern" times. Sudan - Darfur. It's happening again! Oh boy, can't wait till this film comes out so we can see how bad it was... (TOO LATE)

It's things like this that just really make me wonder about humanity. First off, how folks can kill each other for such lame ass reasons, but second, how other folks that claim to be "responsible" and "world leaders" can stand back and let it happen.

We Suck!
But CHINA REALLY SUCKS... (I'll be writing more about those bastards later)

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