Saturday, March 24, 2018

Guns and Gun Control AGAIN

As my wife and children head off to a March for Our Lives event, here are my latest thoughts on all things 2nd Amendment and guns. 

First off, I am a gun owner. We have a selection of guns for hunting. They were designed for hunting first and foremost. While I would give them all up to save a single life, I would prefer not to, and don’t think that will solve our current crisis.  I do not own an “assault rifle”.  I define an assault rifle as a firearm with a rifled bore, shot from the shoulder, that has been designed to kill people. Assault rifles typically support multi-round magazines with over 10 shots. They are semi-automatic and can be converted to automatic if you want to waste ammo. Hunters, any worth their salt, should never need more than a few shots even if they’re being charged by that killer grizzly in the Revenant.

So, I’m not against guns. They are tools to my mind, and just like a chainsaw, they need to be respected.  Unlike a chainsaw, they can move masses of metal very quickly beyond my immediate area, and because of that, I think the people utilizing them should be licensed and regulated similar to how we are licensed to operate a car. (another mass of metal that moves very quickly)

For those who say the 2nd Amendment guarantees their right to have an assault rifle, I say let’s vote on it. I don’t believe the majority of Americans will agree with you. You have no “right” to operate a vehicle, so how do you mentally justify the assault rifle argument? However, that doesn’t mean, if you really, really love assault rifles, that you should not be able to shoot one in controlled conditions. You can own and shoot assault rifles in other countries (in Europe), but you agree to lock it up at the gun club and not take it home with you after you’ve had your fun at the shooting range.  Guess what, even our own military aren’t allowed to take their assault rifles “home”.

Oh, but you and your friends want to protect us from a potential tyrannical government with armed insurrection?  Do you ever wonder why people look at you like you’ve just gone insane if you say that? Here’s some insight:  You’ve spent your life paying taxes, and those taxes fund the largest military in the world. You’ve basically paid for your government to have the most advanced weapons on the planet, but you want the “right” to fight that government with your AR15?  Really? Let’s say you decide THE TIME IS NOW!.. and you and your buddies decide enough is enough and take matters in your own hands. The “evil government” is going to dispatch you quickly and effortlessly with weapons you paid for. They might even use a drone so nobody gets hurt on the government side! The person who “takes you out”, has been effectively paid BY YOU to do the job. The irony is almost too much to bear. Do you get it? If not please go back and read again.

Here’s another angle on the above. Let’s say that you and your patriotic buddies are all about armed insurrection against the government should it “get out of hand”.  Who are YOU to decide when that trigger point has occurred? How will the rest of us know when “you” decide it’s time to take matters into your own hands? What if we disagree? What you are basically telling us, is that YOU and your friends are ticking time bombs that could go off the moment that YOU decide you don’t like how things are going. You are a terrorist in waiting. If things really do go off the rails, then our only hope is that enough people feel the same, and that a military coup rescues us, because otherwise, there you are, fighting tanks and drones with your little AR15.  Either way, you and your little assault rifle never does anything to change the big picture.

But wait, you don’t want to fight the government, you want to protect your family! You need that assault rifle for personal protection!  A pistol just won’t do.  OK, well, we’re sorry, but just how many bad folks do you expect to be breaking down your door?  No really.  How many? Oops, are we back to fighting the government again? Better go back and read the above over, it doesn’t end well for you.

No, no.. don’t you get it you dumb snowflake, if we get rid of assault rifles, then only CRIMINALS will have assault rifles! How will we protect ourselves!?  Well, yes, I hear you, but if only CRIMINALS have assault rifles, at least we KNOW that they are criminals, and when we “get them” we’ll take their assault rifle away! ‘cause, you know, they’re not legal! At the moment, the criminals are welcome to have them. Once they’ve done their time or paid their fine, we’ll effectively hand their gun back and say “now be a good boy!”.  Nice argument, but I’m not buying it.

So, in the end, you, dear assault rifle lover, don’t get to have that assault rifle. Not at your house.  It’s a shame, but you have the NRA to blame. They’re the ones that flooded the market and made it so easy for “the crazies” to get their hands on them. They did it for money. That’s all they ever cared about.. but, they duped you into thinking it was for “freedom”.  You let them do this. Politicians let them do this. (there’s that money thing again) There will always be crazies… they exist all over the world. But, we’re the only country that has “the gun problem”.  Everywhere else has to deal with the odd bomb, car/truck ramming, knife attack, etc. It’s not a perfect world, and never will be.  However, you and your friends will lose your rights to certain types of weapons because, just like hand grenades and bazookas, you don’t need them, and it’s not safe for you to own them. (A Bazooka would be so fun to play with though wouldn’t it?)

Gun owner’s rights don’t supersede the rights of others to be safe. Your interpretation of the 2nd Amendment is flawed and self-serving. You didn’t act and push for sensible protections when you could, and now it’s too late. The line has been crossed. It’s only a matter of time. Sell it/them while you can.

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