The very rarely posted and never read thoughts of Doug Hansel...
Monday, December 21, 2015
Here's a big "Fuck You!" to politicans, the NRA, and your 2nd Amendment Rights
Snappy headline eh?
As we roll out of 2015, I wanted to take a moment to address all the gun and freedom lovin' folks of America, even though few of them will ever read this, since I don't tend to keep such people as "friends".
So, where is today's angst is coming from you ask?
Let me lay it out for you:
The family and I went to see "A Christmas Carol" yesterday at the Palace Theatre in Manchester, NH. We've been before, and it's always a wonderful performance and a great way to get some Christmas cheer going. We had good seats, everyone was feeling festive, and as I said, the performance was wonderful. However, I found myself at some point during the performance suddenly working out a mental plan as to how I will handle the kids if someone bursts in and starts shooting up the place. WTF!? I'm not supposed to be thinking about that in the middle of a freaking Christmas play!! I've never thought about it before at a Christmas show, even though I know some of us are prone to such thoughts from time to time. So, there I am suddenly engrossed on the thought of which kid I am going to throw to the floor first and jump on top of to shield him from bullets, and how i'll instruct my wife to do the same. Seriously. So, I eventually convince myself, (now that I have a plan, YEAH!) that I can return to the regular scheduled Christmas play currently proceeding before me. Now I am pissed off, because I am most definitely not feeling all Christmassy.
My takeaway today, is just how fucked up it is, in 2015, for me to have thought that. What triggered the memory was the fact that schools in the neighboring district of Nashua are all closed today due to a threat of violence,received via email, specifically targeted at today, Monday the 21st of December. I sure hope the perpetrator is stupid enough that he/she doesn't know how to mask the header info on that email so their IP can be traced. If they are smart enough to know how to be anonymous, then that's all the more frightening.
So, yes, I've had enough and I want to say something: All of your 2nd amendment rights stacked on top of each other, doesn't give you the right to ruin my Christmas cheer for one millisecond. The fact that the possibility of someone shooting up a theatre has become MORE probable than any time in my life is enough for me to shout "Fuck You!" at the top of my lungs to everyone who stands in the way of sensible gun control laws. Everyone that thinks the "right of owning a assault weapon" is SO important, can kiss my ass, because your "rights" don't get to infringe upon mine, and currently they are. My rights are to "the preservation of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Any of you out there that think the puny second amendment should have any leverage over that most basic foundational tenant of our society should go back to school and learn about what the founding fathers where really doing. Currently, you 2nd Amendment A-holes are seriously harshing my preservation of life and pursuit of happiness buzz in the name of your liberty! ... and I detest you for it.
Here's another thought I had. Let's say we take the NRA's stance on "arming everyone" as a good idea. Even though there's been precious little evidence that this has ever been a good idea and produced a desirable result. Here's how I imagine it plays out in my above plan. So, let's say three terrorist/nut-jobs come into the theatre and start shooting up the place. Because I am carrying my super-duper Glock 9mm pistol in my leg holster, I quickly get the kids on the floor and reach for my piece. Being the big hero all us carrying folks are, I now proceed to blast away at the terrorists with my deadly accurate pistol and take two of them down. Yeah, I'm saving the world! Oh, look, one of them is escaping, so I get up and run after him, towards to door to stop him taking the lives of any more innocents, and BAM!, I am shot dead by a hail of bullets from every cop that's just arrived at the scene. Obviously they are going to shoot me. I have a gun, I am running (presumably with my terrorist friend they've just shot) trying to escape the carnage I caused! Makes perfect sense. When will this play out? Any day now, I guarantee you. Some 2nd Amendment hero is going to get shot by the cops as he's defending us all. So, no, arming the citizens is NOT the answer!
I am so done with this country some days... truly.
2nd Amendment,
Gun control,
Rights of Americans
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